Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pretty Little Liars

 Pretty Little Liars is a show aired on ABC Family every Monday night at 8:00 p.m. This show is based off the book series Pretty Little Liars. The show is about five friends Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Allison who live in a town called Rosewood.

The first episode begins with the girls hanging out over summer break at Spencer's house. After being woken up by someone screaming the girls noticed Allison was gone. After looking for her they couldn't seem to find her anywhere. A year goes by and Allison is still missing no one knows what happen to her that night. Suddenly her body was discovered and the policed claimed it was Allison. The girls are upset and can't believe that she is actually gone. After attending the funeral the girls all receive a text message for someone who calls themselves "A". After that first text the rest are threatening and very personal, things the girls only told Allison about. Whoever it is seem to know all the girls secrets and is watching their every move. So the main question on this show is who is "A" and how does "A" know all of their secrets?

There are two main secrets on the first episode. The first one was that the girls we too afraid to tell the police that the night of Allison's disappearance they were all drinking at Spencer's house and that why they really don't remember seeing or hearing  anything from that night. The second secret is that one night the girls where all hanging out and Allison supposedly said that she saw Toby the guy who lives next door peeking in the window, so Allison decided to teach him a lesson. She and the girls walk over to Toby's house and Allison throws in a cherry bomb into his garage without knowing that there are some chemicals in there as well as Toby's younger sister Jenna. Jenna ends up becoming blind and no one knows but Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily that it was because of Allison. Allison was the one who controlled the group and kept every ones secret, now that shes gone none of the girls are safe from those secrets.

In my opinion the longer you keep secrets the more damage it does in the end. The show is very addicting because every time you think you know who "A" is they change it on you and make you think it someone else. I can't wait to finally  find out who it is!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good show! I think "A" is the blind girl's peeping brother or the blind girl.. ;-) Just guessing from your blog, I've never seen the show.
